Dialectics on Strengthening and Weakening Dual Economy in Indonesia

Ani Tetiani (Free Researcher)

Falsification as a critique to the theory of dual economy by JH Boeke may be constructed by analyzing social mobility from a position of periphery to another position of center. The researcher concludes that within dual labour market, the developed entity exploites the undeveloped entity –not just a co-existence. Dual economy theory haven’t yet predicted hierarchical structure, leaders and emancipation of undeveloped entity.

Emancipation of the lower status emerges by social mobilities, demonstration and anarchy. Another indicator is the use of humanistic management by medium management in everyday life. Ways of mobilities within industrial relation are: promotion chances of twice per year, special skill (a new way), recruitment, turus (informal network), education, menegement skill, and labour formation. Ways of mobilities within communities are: carrier promotion of the plantation, richness and part-time labour, intergenerational mobility, and religious activity (a new way).