The Role and Position of the Javanese Women in Suriname

Kadi Kartokromo (Suriname)

This paper will give a short overview of the development of the Javanese women in Suriname in different sectors and will highlight the effects of the development to the community, namely the survival phase, during the indenture period, the role of the other races, the development in education, and the participation of women in politics and in the public sector.

In a multi-ethnic and religious country like Suriname the acceptance of women is very difficult due to their traditional way of life and status. They had to survive not only to abandon the different obstacles to emancipate in the multi-ethnical and religious community but also to gain more rights in the field of education and the public sector.

Due to the different obstacles they had passed a very long time to gain the recognition to participate fully in the Surinamese community owing the others races [Creoles and Hindustani]. In politics they also have a low status. But by working hard and studying they have taken an important role.