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  • Create Date 10 October 2016
  • Last Updated 10 October 2016

1.7. Logging Concession Holders and Local Community Participation in Forest Resource Management

Herman Hidayat (LIPI)


This study examines three critical issues on forest resource management in Katingan District, Central Kalimantan. Firstly, it highlights how forest land conversion for oil palm plantations and mining without strict controls presents threats producing deforestation. Secondly, it emphasises how unsustainable forest management leads to shortages of timber supply for the forestry industry (plywood, sawmills and pulp and paper). Thirdly, it highlights the role of timber certification for obtaining ecolabels for domestic and international purposes. Confronting these three issues requires considering stakeholders’ activities and views on the role of government, private companies, NGOs and participation of local communities. Based on the field findings, the role of government, which is represented by the Ministry of Forestry and Environment, is very significant in regulating and administering sanctions to private companies. Concession holders as agents of social change occupy strategic positions in regard to human resources, technology, capital and the market. In order to implement sustainable forest management (SFM) and to obtain timber certification, logging concession holders must invite local communities’ participation by attending to their livelihood transitions in regard to access to agroforestry (rubber, local timber, fruit) plantations, involving giving subsidies for seedlings, fertiliser, transporting timber products from log pond to shipping and access to the market. On the other hand, logging concession holders also establish infrastructure (e.g. village roads), as well as educational and health institutions. In contrast, the role of NGOs is very significant in criticising the impact of ecological damage as an effect of logging activitiesKey words: deforestation, sustainable forest management, timber certification, stakeholders, logging concession holder, local community.